Interesting & Useful Links
(perpetually in progress)
Hypnosis - Efficacy
Does Hypnosis Work?
Does hypnosis work? Science says, "YES!":
Link to UK television documentary, Hypno-Surgery Live, showing hernia surgery, with hypno-anesthesia being conducted by John Butler, President of The American Council of Hypnotist Examiners (the governing body under which I am certified). This surgery is being performed using hypno-anesthesia only. The patient undergoes a standard hernia operation without the administration of any anesthetic at all, including local. *** WARNING - CONTAINS GRAPHIC CONTENT *** This is a 2 hr documentary. To jump to the highlights: Surgery commences @ approx. 48:30; Patient comes out of trance @ approx. 1:22:10; Post-surgical Interview with patient @ approx. 1:24:45 :
Video showing Dental Surgery using only hypno-anesthesia *** WARNING - CONTAINS GRAPHIC CONTENT *** :
Hypnoanalgesia and the study of pain experience: from Cajal to modern neuroscience:
Hypnoanesthesgia - Hypnosis as sole anaesthesia for skin tumour removal in a patient with multiple chemical sensitivity:
A Meta-analysis of Hypnotically Induced Analgesia: how effective is hypnosis:
Stanford University Research Study Identifies Brain Areas Altered During Hypnotic Trances:
Functional anatomy of hypnotic analgesia:
Video about hypnosis, how and why it works - by Craig Mackay, NYC. This provides a reasonably good explanation, but leaves out some key points that we will discuss during the Intake Interview & Educational Session, at your first appointment. Thank you, Craig Mackay, for this very helpful introductory video.
The Power of Mind - Blocking visual perception by hypnosis:
Impact of Age on Efficacy of Hypnosis - effects of age on responsiveness to adjunct hypnotic analgesia during invasive medical procedures:
Hypnosis Research: Health and the Mind-Body Connection
Hypnotherapy, Consciousness and Mindfulness
Mindfulness Grows Grey Matter:
Structural Placiticty of the Social Brain - 3 different types of mindfulness training & how it affects 3 different parts of the brain:
Seven Ways Meditation Changes the Brain:
New Theory of Consciousness:
What percentage of our behaviors are unconscious, or come from the subconscious mind? Most experts estimate ranges between 90% - 99%. Some interesting discussions on the subject can be found here, here and here.
Global Workspace Theory of Consciousness: and
Lucid Dreaming:
NCCIH, New Insights on Dreaming and Consciousness:
Hypnosis in Contemporary Medicine:
Immune System Response - hypnotized patients had significant positive alteration of immune response:
Asthma 1 - hypnosis has been shown to alleviate the subjective distress of patients with asthma: there were less frequent attacks, and less medication was required.
Asthma 2 - In another study comparing Hypnosis and relaxation therapy, the improvement in asthma symptoms was much greater with the Hypnotherapy group. Only the hypnosis subjects showed an improvement in physiologic measures of respiration.
Hypnosis for Cancer Patients:
Breast Cancer - hypnosis improves wound healing. During surgery, hypnosis may be applied to limit immunosuppression, while, in the postoperative period, it can reduce pain, anxiety, and fatigue and improve wound healing:
Hypnosis Reduces Pain and Anxiety in Cancer Patients. A Randomized Trial of Hypnosis for Relief of Pain and Anxiety in Adult Cancer Patients Undergoing Bone Marrow Procedures Alison Snow LCSW-R, David Dorfman PhD, Rachel Warbet LCSW, Meredith Cammarata LCSW, Stephanie Eisenman LCSW, Felice Zilberfein PhD, Luis Isola MD, and Shyamala Navada MD Journal Of Psychosocial Oncology Vol. 30 , Iss. 3,2012:
Hypnosis: Adjunct Therapy for Cancer Pain Management - Advanced practitioners in oncology can make a significant contribution to advances in pain management by incorporating hypnosis into their practice and individual treatment plans. Hypnosis was superior to attention control regarding propofol and lidocaine use; pain, nausea, fatigue, discomfort, and emotional upset at discharge; and institutional cost. Overall, the present data support the use of hypnosis with breast cancer surgery patients:
Chemotherapy patients had less anticipatory and chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. Feeling better, is the first step in recovery. Hypnosis for nausea and vomiting in cancer chemotherapy; a systematic review of the research evidence:
Hypnotherapy help Esophageal Disorders. The goal of esophageal directed hypnotherapy is to promote a deep state of relaxation with focused attention allowing the patient to learn to modulate physiological sensations and symptoms that are not easily addressed with conventional medical intervention. Currently, the use of hypnosis is suitable for dysphagia, globus, functional chest pain/non-cardiac chest pain, dyspepsia, and functional heartburn.
NBC News - For Tummy Troubles, Hypnosis Might Be the Answer 1000 Patients! These results provide further evidence that gut-focused hypnotherapy is an effective intervention for refractory IBS
IBS: Collectively this body of research shows unequivocally that for both adults and children with IBS, hypnosis treatment is highly efficacious in reducing bowel symptoms and can offer lasting and substantial symptom relief for a large proportion of patients who do not respond adequately to usual medical treatment approaches:
GHT (Gut directed hypnotherapy) improves IBS- related quality of life, is superior to supportive medical treatment alone, and shows a long-term effect even in refractory IBS:
Research on Hypnosis and Hemophilia: Hemophiliac patients taught self-hypnosis significantly reduced both their level of self-reported distress and the amount of the factor concentrate required to control bleeding when compared with a control group of patients who did not undergo Hypnosis. References: , T.; Margolis, C.G. (1986).”The Effects of a Comprehensive Self- Hypnosis Training Program on the Use of Factor VIII in Severe Hemophilia.” International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 34, 71-83.
Hypnosis for rehabilitation after stroke - six case studies. [Study] observed qualitative improvements in motor function related to increased range of motion, increased grip strength, and reduced spasticity of the paretic upper limb. Subjects consistently reported an improved outlook, increased motivation, as well as greater awareness of and decreased effort to perform motor tasks with the paretic limb:
Hypnosis as an Adjunct Therapy in the Management of Diabetes - This paper examines the empirical literature on the effectiveness of hypnosis in the management of diabetes, including regulation of blood sugar, increased compliance, and improvement of peripheral blood circulation:
The effect of hypnosis on pain and peripheral blood flow in sickle-cell disease - a pilot study:
Accelerated Healing
Research: hypnosis and recovery from surgery: Patients trained with Hypnosis before surgery had significantly shorter stays in hospital. Research shows that Hypnosis methods have been used successfully for anxiety associated with medical procedures. References: Rapkin, D.A., Straubing, M., Singh, A. & Holroyd, J.C. (1988). “Guided Imagery and Hypnosis: Effect on Acute Recovery from Head and Neck Cancer Surgery” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, Asheville, N.C. Spiegel, D, (1998). Report in the Harvard Mental Health Letter, September 1998, vol. 15, p. 5-6.
Research: Hypnosis and the Treatment of Cancer. Women with metastatic breast cancer who received group Hypnosis therapy were able to reduce their pain experience by 50% compared to a control group. At a 10-year follow-up of these same women, the Hypnosis treatment group had double the survival rate of the control group. Both adolescent and adult cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy have fewer symptoms of anticipatory nausea and vomiting following Hypnotic interventions. References: Spiegel, D. & Bloom, J.R. (1983b).”Group therapy and Hypnosis Reduce Metastatic Breast Carcinoma Pain.” Psychosomatic Medicine, 45, 333-339. Spiegel, D., Bloom, J.R., Kraemer, H.,C. & Gottheil, E. (1989a) “Effect of Psychosocial Treatment on Survival of Patients with Metatastic Breast Cancer.” Lancet pp. 888-891. Zeltzer, L.; LeBaron, S. & Zeltzer, P.M. (1984).The Effectiveness of Behavioral Intervention for Reduction of Nausea and Vomiting in Children and Adolescents Receiving Chemotherapy.” Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2, 683-690. Cotanch, P., Hockenberry, M. & Herman, S. (1985). “Self- Hypnosis Antiemetic Therapy in Children Receiving Chemotherapy.” Oncology Nursing Forum, 12, 41- 46. Zeltzer, L., LeBaron, S. & Zeltzer, P.M. (1984).
Hypnosis and its application in surgery:
Effects of Positive Suggestions on the Need for Red Blood Cell Transfusion in Orthopedic Surgery - Our study showed that using positive suggestions in the perioperative period significantly decreases the necessity for transfusion:
Hypnosis Facilitates Accelerated Healing of Bone Fractures:
Hypnosis accelerates post-surgical wound healing - Analysis of variance showed the hypnosis group's objectively observed wound healing to be significantly greater than the other two groups':
Hypnosis Accelerates Healing Following Breast Surgery:
Hypnosis and Spinal Cord Injury - Effects of Self-Hypnosis Training and Emg Biofeedback Relaxation Training on Chronic Pain in Persons with Spinal-Cord Injury. Overall, the findings indicate that both hypnosis and biofeedback showed a similar immediate effect on pain intensity and that hypnosis was at least as effective as (but possibly more effective than) biofeedback, for reducing daily average pain. These findings are consistent with our prediction that hypnotic analgesia can reduce chronic pain in at least some individuals with SCI whose chronic pain has been refractory to other treatments. However, the results of this study do not provide definitive evidence that those effects are due to the specific effects of hypnotic treatment that are distinct from the biofeedback-assisted relaxation training control condition:
Can Medical Hypnosis Accelerate Post-Surgical Wound Healing? Analysis of variance showed the hypnosis group’s wound healing to be significantly greater than the other groups. Results of a Clinical Trial. Carol Ginandes Ph.D., Patricia Brooks, William Sando, Christopher Jones, and John Aker American Journal Of Clinical Hypnosis Vol. 45 , Iss. 4,2003
Hypnosis helps healing: Surgical wounds mend faster. 1) A radiologist who evaluated the X-rays did not know which patients underwent hypnosis. The result stood out like a sore ankle. Those who were hypnotized healed faster than those who were not. Six weeks after the fracture, those in the hypnosis group showed the equivalent of eight and a half weeks of healing. Reference: William J. Cromie - Harvard University Gazette. 2) 18 breast surgery patients, randomly separated into three groups. All got the same surgical care by the same doctors. Six received standard care only, six also received attention and support and from a psychologist, and six underwent hypnosis before and after their surgery. Hypnosis sessions occurred once a week for eight weeks. Psychological soothing took place on the same schedule. The result was clear. Marie Mc Brown and the women who had undergone hypnosis healed significantly faster than the others. Those who received supportive attention came in second. Due to the small number of patients, this will require more studies.
Pain Management
Pain and the Mind-Body Connection:
Differential effects of hypnotic suggestion on multiple dimensions of pain:
Brain Imaging Studies Investigate Pain Reduction By Hypnosis: Although hypnosis has been shown to reduce pain perception, it is not clear how the technique works. Identifying a sound, scientific explanation for hypnosis' effect of pain-reduction option in clinical settings. The results are reported in the November-December 2004 issue of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. They show an objective, measurable change in brain activity linked to a reduced perception of pain," he added. Referece: In addition to Schulz-Stubner, the research team included Timo Krings, M.D., Ingo Meister, M.D., Stefen Rex, M.D., Armin Thron, M.D., Ph.D. and Rolf Rossaint, M.D., Ph.D., from the Technical University of Aachen, Germany. University of Iowa Health Care describes the partnership between the UI Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine and UI Hospitals and Clinics and the patient care, medical education and research programs and services they provide. Visit UI Health Care online at STORY SOURCE: University of Iowa Health Science Relations, 5135 Westlawn, Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1178
Hypnosis more effective than biofeedback for pain management. The hypnosis groups combined reported significantly more pain intensity reduction than the control group:
Post-surgical pain relief - hypnosis decreases need form opiates. The results of this retrospective study suggest that self-hypnosis provides an opioid- sparing effect for managing moderate-to-severe pediatric postoperative pain after Nuss procedure:
Pain Control in Burn Victims - The authors found that the group receiving hypnosis had a significant drop in pain compared with the control group when measured by the McGill Pain Questionnaire:
Hypnotic Approaches for Chronic Pain Management:
Research: Hypnosis and Pain Management: Hypnosis was found to be effective in reducing pain and discomfort associated with repeated unpleasant medical interventions in a study of children with cancer. A significant reduction of pain and dysphoria was found following Hypnosis in a study of 19 patients with a variety of musculoskeletal disorders. References: Hilgard, E.R. (1977). “Divided Consciousness: Multiple Controls in Human Thought and Action”. NY: John Wiley. 1977. Domangue, B.B., Margolis, C.G., Lieberman, D. & Kaji, H. (1985). Biochemical Correlates of Hypnoanalgesia in Arthritic Pain Patients.” Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 46, 235-238
Hypnosis controls pain. Hypnosis has direct effects on many suprasinal sites involved in the experience of pain:
Arthritis - patients with arthritis achieved significant decreases in pain, anxiety, and depression, and an increases in beta-endorphin-like immunoreactive material, following hypnotherapy:
Hypnosis and Headache Pain: In a study conducted by Mr. Anderson (1975), migraine patients treated with hypnosis had a significant reduction in the number of attacks and in their severity compared to a control group who were treated with traditional medications. The difference did not become statistically significant until the second six-month follow-up period. In addition, at the end of one year, the number of patients in the hypnosis group who had experienced no headaches for over three months was significantly higher. In a controlled trial conducted by Mr. Olness (1987), self-hypnosis was shown to be significantly more effective than either propranolol or placebo in reducing the frequency of migraine headaches in children between the ages of six and twelve years of age 7. In a research conducted by Mr. Schlutter (1980), hypnosis was also found to be effective in dealing with the relief of tension headache. Alladin (1988) reviewed the literature on hypnosis, identifying fully a dozen different hypnotic techniques that have been used in the treatment of chronic migraine headaches. Of these, hypnotic training emphasizing relaxation, hand warming (which, according to Anderson, 1975) seems the simplest method of establishing increased voluntary control of the sensitive vasomotor system) and direct hypnotic suggestions of symptom removal have all been shown to be effective in reducing the duration, intensity and frequency of migraine attacks during a ten-week treatment course and at thirteen-month follow-up when compared to controls. A study (Gutfeld, G. and Rao, L., 1992) was conducted on 42 patients suffering from chronic headaches. These patients, all of whom had responded poorly to conventional treatments, were split into two groups. One received hypnotherapy to relieve their daily headaches; the rest acted as a comparison group. The hypnotherapy group experienced reduced frequency and duration of headaches, cutting the intensity by about 30%. "These results are impressive in such a difficult, hard- to-treat group of patients," commented Egilius Spierings, M.D., Ph.D. director of the headache section, division of neurology at Brigham and Women's Hospital. References: Alladin, A. (1988). "Hypnosis in the Treatment of Severe Chronic Migraine. In M. Heap (ed.), Hypnosis: Current clinical, Experimental and Forensic Practices. London: Croom Helm. pp. 159- 166. Anderson, J.A., Basker, M.A. & Dalton, R. (1975). "Migraine and Hypnotherapy." International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 23, 48-58. Gutfeld, G. and Rao, L. (1992). "Use of Hypnosis with Patients Suffering from Chronic Headaches, Seriously Resistant to Other Treatment," As reported in Prevention, 44, 24-25. Olness, K., MacDonald, J.T. & Uden, D.L. (1987). "Comparison of Self-Hypnosis and Propranolol in the Treatment of Juvenile Classic Migraine." Pediatrics, 79, 593- 597. Schlutter, L.C., Golden, C.J. & Blume, H.G. (1980). "A Comparison of Treatments for Prefrontal Muscle Contraction Headache." British Journal of Medical Psychology, 53, 47-52. University of Iowa News Release March 14, 2005
Hypnosis for childbirth - Prenatal hypnosis preparation resulted in significantly less use of sedatives, analgesia, and regional anesthesia during labor and in higher 1-minute neonatal Apgar scores:
Evidence-based clinical hypnosis for obstetrics, labor and delivery, and preterm labor:
The Effectiveness of Hypnosis Intervention for Labor:
Skin Conditions
Hypnosis for Warts:
Hypnotherapy and Skin Conditions: Hypnosis- psycho-therapeutic options for skin disorders. Hypnosis has been found useful to treat a number of skin disorders including acne excoriee, alopecia areata, atopic dermatitis, congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma, dyshidrotic dermatitis, erythromelalgia, furuncles, glossodynia, herpes simplex, hyperhidrosis, ichthyosis vulgaris, lichen planus, neurodermatitis, nummular dermatitis, postherpetic neuralgia, pruritus, psoriasis, rosacea, trichotillomania, urticaria, verruca vulgaris, and vitiligo. Hypnosis can also help individuals feel more comfortable about having their skin diseases. Hypnotic relaxation utilizing self-guided imagery reduces anxiety and discomfort during dermatologic procedures. For resistant skin disorders, hypnoanalysis using ideomotor signaling and the affect bridge technique can often identify original incidents and promote healing. Subtle energy intuitive techniques are an almost lost art that have so far been relatively difficult to explore on a scientific basis. They are still utilized by various indigenous practitioners and shamans, and are sometimes capable of clearing or improving otherwise refractory skin disorders. A psychiatrist has described their modern use. This area has potential for significant future development. Reference: Shenefelt, P.D (2006), Nondrug Psychotherapeutic Options for Skin Disorders Trends in Psychotherapy Research. Abelian, M. E. (Ed). 2006, pp. 33-51
Dermatologic Disorders - A wide spectrum of dermatologic disorders improved or cured using hypnosis as an alternative or complementary therapy:
Hypnosis for the Treatment of Warts - Effects of hypnotic, placebo, and salicylic acid treatments on wart regression; at 6-wk follow-up, only the hypnotic Ss had lost significantly more warts than the no treatment controls:
Research: Hypnosis and Skin Conditions: Most clinicians and researchers agree that stress affects the course of dermatitis and eczema, and reducing stress levels has a positive effect on the course of the disease. Emotional factors have been shown to have a strong correlation with onset of the disease and also with flare-ups. Further more, several documented case studies have revealed that hypnosis can offer a successful treatment for sufferers. References: Kantor, S.D. (1990).Stress and psoriasis. Psoriasis Research Institute, Palo Alto, California 94301. Cutis (USA) Oct 1990, 46 (4) p321-2
Study on Hypnosis and Psoriasis:
Stress Anxiety & Depression
Hypnosis Can Increase Overall Levels of Happiness - The Use of Hypnosis in Therapy to Increase Happiness. Nicole Ruysschaert American Journal Of Clinical Hypnosis Vol. 56 , Iss. 3,2014:
Hypnosis for Depression:
The effects of hypnosis on anxiety, depression, fatigue, and sleepiness in people undergoing hemodialysis: a clinical report:
Hypnosis significantly alleviates preoperative anxiety:
Hypnosis To Manage Distress Related To Medical Procedures - a meta-analysis of the the data strongly support the use of hypnosis as a non-pharmacologic intervention to reduce emotional distress associated with medical procedures, and suggest that the more widespread adoption of hypnosis could improve the quality of life of millions of patients undergoing medical procedures:
Research: Hypnosis and Stress Management: A trial compared Hypnosis with biofeedback or a combination of both. All groups had significant reduction in blood pressure. However, at six-month follow-up only patients receiving Hypnosis had maintained the reduction. References: Friedman, H. & Taub, H. (1977). “The Use of Hypnosis and Biofeedback Procedures for Essential Hypertension.” International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 25, 335-347. Friedman, H. & Taub, H. (1978). “A Six Month Follow-up of the Use of Hypnosis and Biofeedback Procedures in Essential Hypertension.” American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 20, 184-188
Self-hypnosis training represents a rapid, cost- effective, nonaddictive and safe alternative to medication for the treatment of anxiety-related conditions. The tremendous volume of research provides compelling evidence that hypnosis is an efficacious treatment for state anxiety (e.g., prior to tests, surgery and medical procedures) and anxiety- related disorders, such as headaches and irritable bowel syndrome:
Anxiety and psychosomatic symptoms in palliative care - from neuro-psychobiological response to stress, to symptoms' management with clinical hypnosis and meditative states:
Fear of Flying: 50% of patients afraid of flying were improved or cured after Hypnosis treatment. References: Stanton, H. E. (1994) Schoenberger, N. E.; Kirsch, I.; Gearan, P.; Montgomery, G.; Pastyrnak, S.L. (1997). Spiegel, D. (1998) Report in the Harvard Mental Health Letter, September 1998, vol. 15, p. 5-6
Hypnotherapy in the Treatment of Chronic Combat-Related PTSD Patients Suffering From Insomnia: There was a significant main effect of the hypnotherapy treatment with PTSD symptoms as measured by the Posttraumatic Disorder Scale. This effect was preserved at follow-up 1 month later. Additional benefits for the hypnotherapy group were decreases in intrusion and avoidance reactions and improvement in all sleep variables assessed:
PTSD - New uses of hypnosis in the psychotherapy of PTSD victims involve coupling access to the dissociated traumatic memories with positive restructuring of those memories. Hypnosis can be used to help patients face and bear a traumatic experience by embedding it in a new context, acknowledging helplessness during the event, and yet linking that experience with remoralizing memories such as efforts at self-protection, shared affection with friends who were killed, or the ability to control the environment at other times. In this way, hypnosis can be used to provide controlled access to memories that are then placed into a broader perspective:
Efficacy of Hypnosis for Alleviating PTSD:
Hypnosis In Emergency Medicine - An hypnotic suggestion; review of hypnosis for clinical emergency care. Although it is safe, fast, and cost-effective, emergency clinicians rarely use hypnosis. This is due, in part, to the myths surrounding hypnosis and its association with alternative-complementary medicine. Genuine barriers to its increased clinical use include a lack of assured effectiveness and a lack of training and training requirements. Based on the results of further research, hypnosis could become a powerful and safe nonpharmacologic addition to the emergency clinician's armamentarium, with the potential to enhance patient care in emergency medicine, prehospital care, and remote medical settings:
Hypnosis for treatment of insomnia in school-age children:
Hypnosis Intervention Effects on Sleep Outcome, a review article from The Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, published by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine: A Systematic Review:
Smoking Cessation
Hypnotherapy is more effective than nicotine replacement therapy for smoking cessation: Results of a randomized controlled trial. Hypnosis and HNRT were over three times more likely than NRT only participants to abstain at 26-weeks.
Freedom from smoking: 90.6% Success Rate Using Hypnosis, integrating hypnotic methods and rapid smoking to facilitate smoking cessation. Of the 43 consecutive patients undergoing this treatment protocol, 39 reported remaining abstinent at follow-up (6 months to 3 years post-treatment):
Smoking Cessation: 81% Quit smoking with hypnosis, and the majority of those who stopped smoking remained smoke-free a year later:
Smoking Cessation:Aversion and Hypnosis combined - After the 2-wk. program, 92% or 86 of the men and 90% or 84 of the women reported abstinence, and at 3-mo. follow-up, 86% or 80 of the men and 87% or 81 of the women reported continued abstinence:
Clinical hypnosis for smoking cessation:
Tobacco Dependency - of 43 consecutive patients undergoing this treatment protocol, 39 reported remaining abstinent at follow-up (6 months to 3 years post treatment):
Performance by gender in a stop-smoking program:
1-in-5 smokers find freedom through hypnosis - Hypnosis is the most effective way of giving up smoking, according to the largest ever scientific comparison of ways of breaking the habit:
Guided imagery helps with smoking cessation and long-term abstinence:
Weight Control
Hypnosis for Bulimia Nervosa: Griffiths RA, Hadzi Pavlovic D, Channon Little L A controlled evaluation of hypnobehavioural treatment for bulimia nervosa: Immediate pre post treatment effects Eur Eating Disord Rev. 1994;2(4):202-220 The study reports the pre post findings from a controlled comparative evaluation of treatments for bulimia nervosa. These pre post results allow comparison of the hypnobehevioural and cognitive behavioural treatments with a waiting list control group and a comparison of the immediate effects of the two modalities. 137 were screened to enter the study. 78 subjects entered the investigation after being randomly allocated to either a waiting list control group, or to hypnobehavioural or cognitive behavioural groups. The treatments were delivered individually and matched in duration (8 weeks) and the number of sessions. Pre to posttreatment outcome indicated significant differences between the control group and the two treatments in reductions in bulimic behaviours and related eating pathology. The immediate effects of both treatments were equal. There were no differences at posttreatment between the treatments in abstinence from either bingeing or purging. The treatment effects were also similar to the immediate effects obtained by longer therapeutic approaches.
Hypnotizability in Bulimia Nervosa Patients: Griffiths RA, Channon-Little L The hypnotizability of patients with bulimia nervosa and partial syndromes participating in a controlled treatment outcome study Contemporary Hypnosis 1993;10(2):81-7 This is a report of the hypnotizability of a large sample of bulimia nervosa and partial syndromes (n = 113) who participated in a controlled treatment outcome study. Data from the HGSHS:A (Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility, Fom A) confirmed previous findings of high hypnotizability in these patients compared with normal populations. Furthermore, there was evidence that the responses of bulimia nervosa and 19 partial syndrome patients differed significantly to the responses of the normal population on seven of the 12 items of the HGSHS:A.
Hypnosis and Weight Loss 1: Cochrane, Gordon; Friesen, J. (1986). Hypnotherapy in weight loss treatment. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 54, 489-492. Kirsch, Irving (1996). Hypnotic enhancement of cognitive-behavioral weight loss treatments--Another meta-reanalysis. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 64 (3), 517-519. Allison, David B.; Faith, Myles S. Hypnosis as an adjunct to cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy for obesity: A meta-analytic reappraisal. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 1996 Jun Vol 64(3) 513-516 Stradling J, Roberts D, Wilson A, Lovelock F. Controlled trial of hypnotherapy for weight loss in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea. International Journal of Obesity Related Metababolic Disorders. 1998 Mar;22(3):278-81.
Hypnosis for Weight Loss 2: In a 9-week study of two weight management groups (one using hypnosis and one not using hypnosis), the hypnosis group continued to get results in the two-year follow-up, while the non- hypnosis group showed no further results (Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1985). In a study of 60 women separated into hypnosis versus non-hypnosis groups, the groups using hypnosis lost an average of 17 pounds, while the non-hypnosis group lost an average of only .5 pounds (Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1986). In a meta-analysis, comparing the results of adding hypnosis to weight loss treatment across multiple studies showed that adding hypnosis increased weight loss by an average of 97% during treatment, and even more importantly increased the effectiveness POST TREATMENT by over 146%. This shows that hypnosis works even better over time (Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1996). Reference: Cited at;
Hypnosis For Sports Performance/Basketball - The Effects of Hypnosis on Flow States and Three-Point Shooting Performance in Bastketball Players:
Hypnosis For Sports Performance/Golf - Effects of hypnosis on flow states and golf performance:
Enhancing sports performance with hypnosis - An ode for Tiger Woods:,AuthorSort%20asc&sr=1
Academic Performance - The two hypnotic training programs had a significant effect on the academic achievement of the participants, which was not found in the control groups:
Using Hypnosis to Enhance Learning Second Language Vocabulary - results indicate that hypnosis is beneficial for second language vocabulary learning and retrieval:
Hypnosis for ADHD - Better long-term outcome for hypnotherapy than for CBT in adults with ADHD: Results of a six-month follow-up:
Using Hypnosis to Reduce Fear of Heights - The Hypnotic Belay in Alpine Mountaineering: The Use of Self-Hypnosis for the Resolution of Sports Injuries and for Performance Enhancement Priscilla A. Morton ACSW, BCD American Journal Of Clinical Hypnosis Vol. 46 , Iss. 1,2003:
Hypnosis capable of influence over the autonomic nervous system - The effects of hypnosis on heart rate variability:
Substance Abuse - hypnosis is a successful method for treating addictions. 77% success rate in treating Substance Abuse. Combining the more intense treatment of 20 daily sessions with hypnosis is a successful method to treat addictions. The treatment has been used with 18 clients over the last 7 years and has shown a 77 percent success rate for at least a 1-year follow-up. Intensive therapy: utilizing hypnosis in the treatment of substance abuse disorders:
Dental Hypnosis - Effect of hypnosis on induction of local anaesthesia, pain perception, control of haemorrhage and anxiety during extraction of third molars:
InnerWork Affiliates and Resources
Walnut Creek Non-Smoking Center is a division of InnerWork Integrative Hypnotherapy & Coaching. You can find a link to WCNSC here (COMING SOON - for immediate information, contact InnerWork):
Medicinal Mushrooms for Boosting Brain Health and Immune Function. Here are some of the benefits of the mushrooms found in Fresh Caps Mushrooms, Thrive 6 (I receive no compensation for sharing this info):
Reishi mushrooms have been dubbed the “mushroom of immortality”, known to modulate the immune system and promote longevity and vitality.
Lions Mane mushrooms are one of the only natural sources known to be able to regenerate nerve growth in the brain, enhancing cognitive ability, increasing mental clarity and reducing anxiety and stress.
Chaga Mushrooms are extremely high in antioxidants, helping to slow down the effects of aging and detoxify our livers.
Turkey Tail mushrooms have shown promise in reducing the side effects of cancer treatments and may even be able to stave off the common cold and flu.
Maitake mushrooms contain compounds that may lower blood pressure and improve cholesterol levels, while fighting tumors and bolstering the immune system.
Cordyceps mushrooms have been used by athletes to increase endurance and stamina by helping to increase the uptake of oxygen in our blood, while fighting respiratory infections.
Referral Promotions
Walnut Creek Non-Smoking Center is a division of InnerWork Integrative Hypnotherapy & Coaching. You can find a link to WCNSC here (COMING SOON - for immediate information, contact InnerWork):
Copyright 2025 ⎮ Joy Stroehmann, All Rights Reserved.